Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Don't Demonize Me, My Friend, You'll Be Sorry

Joan Walsh debated Bill O'Reilly on his show, The O'Reilly Factor to discuss her charges that he was, in part, responsible for Dr. Tiller's murder because he called Tiller "the baby killer" repeatedly on his show. Bill O'Reilly was Bill O'Reilly, i.e. attack dog, ratings hound, so she must have known what she was walking into. I would not want to be in her shoes, defending the practices of this particular abortion doctor. I am guessing there are not many contenders for that job. Her only defense was to repeat that "what he did was legal." Slavery was legal at one time, too. She was flustered and clearly did not have her facts and even admits this when she says "I skimmed them" when referring to the records of patients. These patients listed rather trivial reasons for such a violent procedure. Life of the mother is a reason most people do not object to, however this is so rare that it cannot explain how Tiller was able to kill 60,000 fetus'. The tensions rise to the point where she levels the threat that is the title of my post. I am not sure what will happen to Bill O'Reilly now that he has, in fact, demonized Ms. Walsh. That remains to be seen. I am left wondering what her mission is. Does she object to freedom of speech? You decide.

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