Thursday, August 25, 2011

Irene, Downgraded to Tropical Storm and Veers off to the East

The Mid Atlantic States are breathing a sigh of relief as they are spared from the blow that they were expecting from Hurricane Irene. All that is left are rainbows and smiling puppies as Irene took a sharp turn to the east...

Okay, so I am up way too late and dreaming up the headlines for the morning. Because I want to wake up and find out that the forecasters were wrong. I want to hear that the cone of uncertainty was indeed uncertain. And what is now certain is that this storm is a non-story. I want to go about my normal order of business. I want to watch the newscasters quickly dig up new news story now that Irene has been lost at sea. Don't we have shark bite stories to cover? I'd like to take my kids to the pool to enjoy one of the last days of summer 2011. I don't want to spend the morning battening down the hatches and soothing anxious children who wonder why I am battening down the hatches. I don't even know how to batten. And I don't know where we keep the hatches.

I don't know what tomorrow will bring but I do know that I have to show up and be ready. So, that means I have to go to bed. I pray that God is merciful to all those in the path of this storm. And, I pray that I can be a source of calm and confidence for my children as we ride out this storm together.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34

1 comment:

Mema said...

Wise advice that your father lives by ...Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34 We will be watching over Hampton and praying for the evacuators and all in the path of the storm.

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