Friday, January 11, 2008

Steward Update

I had been dutifully rinsing and reusing my water bottle and avoiding the use of the environmentally hazardous prepackaged water when one day, while I was rinsing at the sink, I asked myself: How much water have I wasted each time I rinsed out my water bottle to reuse it? What a quandry. Honestly, what we need is for someone to revolutionize the packaging industry altogether. Anyone with kids know that on Christmas morning the grotesque amount of toy packaging is really obscene! Why can't we put the dolls in a burlap sack? Chloe had one toy, that once she got all the packaging opened, I had to say: Where is the toy? There was more wrapping than toy!! I still walk about the house lowering the heat and turning off lights and I hope I am being a good steward. That is my goal. That, and to make you laugh about global warming, not that it is funny. What is funny is that we mere humans think we can control the climate. There was a storyline in the 80's on General Hopsital, (back when I used to veg in front of the tv) about some exotic character who could control the weather. So, really I make fun as a way of showing solidarity with Al Gore. He appeared on 30 Rock to mock global warming. It was great. He is such a hoot! I cannot wait until he hosts Saturday Night Live again! By the way, if you are doing something above and beyond to be a good steward, please leave a comment or idea.

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