Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Is it November or am I dreaming?

I am a political junkie. I admit it. And the television, print, and radio media have been feeding my habit relentlessly for weeks now. So I ask myself, is it November or am I dreaming? I fell asleep last night before the final tally was in to let me know if it was Hillary or Barack's New Hampshire.
She's back! Could it be the tear that almost fell that motivated the women of New Hampshire to drop what they were doing and run to the polls? Or was it that heckler at one of Hillary's events that held a sign reading "Iron My Shirts." I think it is very telling that we have to ask ourselves whether the tear was real and whether the "heckler" was a Clinton staffer. I'm just saying. Honestly, the good news out of all of this is that age, race, and gender do not matter. We have come that far. It's over. I really believe that. Save for a few industries that rely on the fight, be it ageism, sexism, or racism. The battle still rages on for the likes of Sharpton, Jackson and the NOW organization. Back to Hillary. She tugged at my heartstrings that morning when she almost teared up and I hoped that she would be validated at the polls. I am not sure where that comes from. Not wanting to see mommy cry? Or wanting the Clinton soap opera to return to the White House in November? Again, I'm just saying. When I come to my senses, I realize that I must pick a conservative candidate and stick to it! I like Mike. Huckabee, that is. He reminds me of Gomer Pyle and not in a bad way. He is honest, transparent, quick witted, and on the right side of several hot button issues. He is pro-life without a doubt and that is a defining position that determines the overall thought process of a candidate. Of all the candidates, he is the most articulate and consistent. I admire McCain and his valiant service to our country. I trust him even though I may not completely agree with him on all issues. I like the fact that he refers to immigrants as God's children. I welcome immigrants, but I also want them to get here in a legal way. They are coming to America, the home of the free and the brave. But, we have laws and it would not be the same America without those laws. So, get in line and we need to make the lines move quicker. Thanks to the immigrants we are not facing the depopulation crises that Europe and Russia are facing. Fred Thompson has some very good ideas, but he has no energy, no personality, and very poor communication skills. He apparently needs a script to perform. So, it is not November and I am not dreaming and I really do have some shirts to iron. Go Hillary!


Shiela said...

It turns out that the "hecklers" was an acutal stunt by two radio hosts that were looking for publicity. You still have to ask, were they invited? Again, I'm just saying.

Shiela said...

here is the link for the article that exposes the hoax:

Fast Eddy... aka Doc said...

Oh my gosh! Gollllly. I looke like gomer pile! i see the resemblance!

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