Saturday, January 31, 2009

Octuplets in California

There is a new debate in town and it will last about five minutes so I thought I would put my two cents in while they are worth something. First of all, Nancy must be shaking her head and questioning the patriotism of a woman breeding during these tough economic times. In her own state of California! Second, the frenzied media, once drooling with sympathy and wonder, is now sputtering with disgust that a woman with six kids could possibly consider adding another one, never mind seven, or, oops eight! It gets even better, the hypocrisy, I mean. She is a single mother. That's a good thing, right? Men are not necessary, right? So she went to a clinic and got herself implanted. That is the progressive, good thing to do. Then, she has all the embryos implanted and refuses to allow a "reduction" to take place. That is a fertility clinic term for abort the weakest links in the womb so as not to place a burden on the state of California. What? Is she pro-life now? Now, we are upset because we find out she already had six rugrats running around the house between the ages of two and seven. "What the hell is wrong with her?!" quote my husband. Which part, I ask him? You mean to tell me that it is okay to decide that you want to have children in the non-traditional way, but it is not okay to have too many? And who decides how many is too many? "Do it the way God intended or adopt," he says. Men are so wonderfully simple and I mean that in the best possible way. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to conceive in these progressive ways.

1 comment:

Saint Maker said...

a befuddled mess I'd say... LOL... great post, tisk tisk, I can see the speaker now "how could this woman embarrass us... oops wait she's the poster child... oops wait, maybe not... yikes what do I do!"

Maybe that magician over at Time magazine that can make things disappear could help in this matter.

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