Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Wings for a Little Rose

So much time has passed since my last blog entry. Nearly four months, to be precise. I can attribute my lack of inspiration and energy to the bundle of energy and inspiration in my belly. She is all fists, elbows, knees and hiccups. Everyday, she is hugged by her soon-to-be big sister Rose who has zipped through some major milestones upon realizing the purpose of mommy's fatigue and growing tummy. She wears big girl pants both day and night and she puts on her own five point harness seatbelt that makes most adults feel that they are failing some sort of manual IQ test. And today, we signed her up for preschool. I thought I would be saying to myself, mournfully: What is happening to my baby girl? But my sense of loss of her babyhood is balanced by watching her confidence grow and knowing how much she wants to shed her littleness and become something great in this world.

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